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<glyph-select> <infile> <outfile> <constant> <variable> <round-state> <default> <control-value> <alias> <function> <macro> <pre-program> <glyph>

Structure of an Xgridfit Program

An Xgridfit program supplies the control-value table, pre-program, functions and glyph programs for the font. It also controls several parameters relating to TrueType instructions, stored in the font's maxp table. The contents of the file must be well-formed XML, validated against the Xgridfit RELAX NG schema (xgridfit.rnc or xgridfit.rng). Perhaps the easiest way to validate your program is to include the -V option on the Linux command line when you invoke Xgridfit:

    $ xgridfit -V myprog.xgf

Another worthwhile tool is nxml-mode, an Emacs mode that validates while you edit your program. To use nxml-mode, copy xgridfit.rnc to the nxml-mode schema directory and add this line to schemas.xml in the same directory:

    <documentElement localName="xgridfit" uri="xgridfit.rnc"/>

The first line in any Xgridfit program file must be the XML declaration:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Then comes the <xgridfit> element, the root element that contains all other information in the file. The <xgridfit> element must contain the Xgridfit namespace declaration:

    <xgridfit xmlns="">

The child elements of <xgridfit> can come in any order, though it makes sense to group related elements (e.g. functions, control values) together.

Following are the possible children of the <xgridfit> element.


Specifies a list of glyphs to compile, ignoring all others. The glyph names in the list may be delimited by "+" or space--but only one or the other. It is all right to keep this element in the file when you don't need it: just empty it out. These are valid:

    <glyph-select>a macron amacron</glyph-select>


Specifies the name of the FontForge file or TrueType font to be opened by the script generated by Xgridfit.


Specifies the name of the file or font to be saved by the script generated by Xgridfit.


When running in merge-mode, Xgridfit needs to save information about the font. It can do so in the font.persistent object of an .sfd file it is saving or in a separate file. Use this element to specify the name of a separate file.


Unlike the <constant> elements defined in a <glyph> program, <constant>s here are visible in all <glyph> programs, in <function>, <macro>, and <pre-program> elements.


Like the global <constant>, the <variable> defined here is visible everywhere. It may be initialized by the <pre-program> so as to provide state information to all glyph programs, or it may be used anywhere for temporary storage.


These elements, permitted only here, define custom round states, which can be invoked anywhere.


These elements define graphics defaults and other defaults and settings.


A <control-value> element defines a control value, a specialized variable used by various instructions to regulate distance on the grid. A typical TrueType font has many <control-value> elements.


An alternate name for a control-value, constant or variable.


A <function> element contains the definition of a function--a chunk of code that can be invoked from anywhere and, like the functions (methods, procedures) of other programming languages, can accept parameters and return values.


A <macro> element contains the definition of a macro--a chunk of code that is compiled whenever the compiler encounters a <call-macro> element.


The <pre-program> contains programming that is run whenever the font is about to be rasterized at a new size. Typical tasks for the <pre-program> are to round and adjust control values and set default values in the graphics state. The <pre-program> element is required, though it may be empty.


The file may contain any number of <glyph> elements. Each contains the programming for a single glyph.